Toplum sağlığı ve sosyal yaşamı tehdit eden pandemiye karşı sağlık için seferber olan Türkiye’nin yeni nesil akaryakıt ikmalcisi En Yakıt, çevre için de örnek bir projeyi yaşama geçirdi.
Türkiye’nin her yerindeki tüm Shell istasyonlarından 7 gün 24 saat boyunca temassız akaryakıt ikmali sağlayarak sektöre öncülük yapan En Yakıt, ‘Çevren Geleceğindir’ sloganıyla yaşama geçirdiği proje sayesinde de ‘yaşanabilir bir Türkiye ve dünya’ için dev bir adım attı.
Our school was built by Mehmet Akcan, a philanthropical businessman, in 1987 with 6 classrooms. It was opened to education in 1988/1989 by Hasan Celal Guzel, the Minister of National Education at that time. In 1990, 6 more classrooms were built by the Minister of National Education, and it was continued to provide education in 12 classrooms. As the classrooms were very crowded, an additional building with 18 classrooms was built in 2003. Education is given in 30 classrooms since 2004-2005 school year.

The construction of this school first started with the contributions of Mrs. Hatice Z AKCAN, a philanthropist, and her deceased husband Lutfu Akcan. The construction of the school was completed in the 2010/2011 school year and education started to be given in the same year.